Video Examinations Information
Guidelines for Video Examinations
Candidates can enrol for a Video Examination at the new online portal. There is no need to pre-enrol; simply upload a completed video at the time of enrolment any time.
Video Examinations are now offered for Performance Examinations only, from Preparatory through to Performance Diploma. They require only four pieces—there are no Technical Work, General Knowledge, Sight Reading or Aural Test requirements. Video exams are also being offered for Introductory level, requiring Technical Work and two pieces only.
Exam videos do not need to be recorded within a specific time frame; they can be recorded at any time, but only videos recorded in a single take, without any pauses or breaks, will be accepted for assessment.
For information on the new ANZCA Go! Video Performance format, click here.
Click here to open or download a PDF document detailing camera angles and other video setting requirements.
For further information, please contact us